Saturday, March 10, 2007

When I am ready to speak but there is no one to listen

For as long as I can remember I have been in the habit of speaking to myself. No! I am not crazy! I do not answer my own questions, and I do not have an iamginary friend. Seriously though, I speak to myself about just about everything!!! I reason with myself, question myself, figure things out, make sense out of my life, joke around with myself, walk myself through decision making and problem solving...I do just about everything. Now I not talking some one or two sentence conversation... no man...they can be very lengthy, oftentimes enjoyed while in the shower (or on my thrown), in my car, as a snuggle in my bed drifting off to sleep, anywhere I catch the vibe.

Truth is sometimes I have the desire to share these thoughts with other people, hence this Blog. I guess this is my avenue for getting things off my mind, while allowing others the chance to, in their own way, in their own time, give me feedback and their point of view. Not so good at this opening up thing but I working on it. Sometimes I am bursting at the seams to share with someone and end up simply bursting for lack of that someone to share with. But hey...I am a tough cookie right?! But even a tough cookie needs a listening ear sometimes. So here are my thoughts (at least some of them), for what they are worth. This way I can speak even when there is no one physically there to listen.